Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Daily Kos Blog

The Daily Kos is a blog on which different members are able to post articles and responses to articles, mostly having to do with politics. Right now on the front page there are two very interesting and funny posts: the first having to do with Joe Lieberman's recent comments on our status in the war in Iraq and the second being a response to an advisory warning in Annapolis, MD about a possible terror attack since the Middle East peace conference is being held there in the near future. Overall, I found this blog to be extremely entertaining and easily accessible. Most of the articles are interesting and make the reader want to read the rest of the blog.

The first article that I found extremely interesting was called Some Say and was posted by the member BarbinMD. It talks about the recent comments that Joe Lieberman made about the war in Iraq, saying that the United States Troops are now winning the war and that Democrats wont admit it, so they are risking compromising our national security and are risking losing the 2008 election. The member who posted this then brought up the statistic that only 31 soldiers have died this month and that this fact would support Lieberman's claim, however there were months during the last four years when the amount of soldiers who died had decreased but the war was still nowhere near being won. This post was very funny and it kept me wanting more on the topic.

The second post that I really enjoyed was called Give Me Barbie or Give Me Death! posted by the member Susan G. The federal authorities issued an advisory, informing the residents of Annapolis, Maryland that a terrorist attack is possible since the Middle East peace conference will be occuring there in the next week, however there is no credible information that an actual attack will occur. Basically, the member says, the federal government is making the residents of Maryland fearful even though there are no credible threats. Then the member quotes another article about the holiday shopping season, saying that stores want the "euphoria" of Black Friday to continue through the holiday season all the way through Christmas (though this is not realistic). The member who wrote this then comically asks what this means for those Maryland residents who have been frightened by terrorist threats to stay in their homes, but who still have that euphoric desire to shop. The conclusion that she comes to is that they could shop on the internet. I found this article to be extremely entertaining and was a great read.

Overall, I liked this blog and I thought most of the posts that were on the page were entertaining. They were political, while being funny.

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